Into the Future

Into the Future: E-Comm’s roadmap to 2025 and beyond New strategic plan focused on resiliency and innovation

(a)SPIRE poster

With the pace of change accelerating to what can feel like the speed of light, operational resiliency, service quality and collaboration with our public safety partners, has never been more important to tackle the challenges ahead.

Given that Maslow’s hierarchy of needs places a person’s safety second only to the basics of food, water and shelter, it is safe to assume our partners and the public expect nothing less.

“We believe (a)SPIRE 2025 puts us on a path to what matters most—safer communities in British Columbia.”

Oliver Grüter-Andrew,
E-Comm president and CEO

With that in mind, E-Comm has launched a new strategic plan—(a)SPIRE 2025—to guide the organization as it faces both increasing call volumes and complex social concerns, rapidly changing technology, competition for talent and the biggest overhaul of the 9-1-1 system in 50 years. Innovation and partnership will be at the forefront in order to maximize operational resiliency, every day or in a disaster.

9-1-1 call taker

Building on the organization’s previous strategic plans, (a)SPIRE 2025 will lead and inspire the organization’s actions as E-Comm moves into its third decade of providing public safety services in B.C.

“It’s a bold plan–one that is focused on service, the people who provide it, innovation and trusting relationships,” said Oliver Grüter-Andrew, E-Comm President and Chief Executive Officer. “It’s a vision that includes transforming the 9-1-1 platform provincewide, increasing operational and technical resilience against all kinds of threats, bringing our services to more communities in British Columbia and supporting the health and well-being of all our staff in the process.”

(a)SPIRE summarized: 

  1. There are five strategic pillars—our Commitments, that we collectively call (a)SPIRE—Service, People, Innovation, Relationships, Expansion. In short, they are the key areas we are directing our attention to.  
  2. Multiple strategies support each Commitment. For example, under our Service Commitment we have strategies focused on hiring, training and expanding our operational resilience. 
  3. Ten key initiatives borne out of those strategies are the projects we’re undertaking to support our people, our partners and the public.

(a)SPIRE 2025 is the result of the leadership of our Board of Directors and extensive consultation with our public safety partners, stakeholders and staff throughout 2018.


Key Commitments of Strategic Plan


Key Initiatives from E-Comm Strategic Plan