CEO Update: Oliver Grüter-Andrew

Oliver Grüter-Andrew, E-Comm President and CEO

Oliver Grüter-Andrew, E-Comm President and CEO

When I first joined E-Comm in September, 11 police and fire agencies in Metro Vancouver had already transitioned to the new P25 radio system. I’m now proud to report that we have more than 30 public safety agencies communicating over the network, with three additional fire departments joining the system.

This five-year, multi-million dollar radio replacement project was completed on schedule and under budget—a tremendous achievement that makes me glad to be part of such a phenomenal effort. The success of the Next Generation Radio Program (NGRP) is a testament to the technical and operational leadership of our region’s police, fire and ambulance partners, who have been involved in this project every step of the way. This best-in-class system could not have been built without their support and expertise. I would like to also acknowledge our Board of Directors for their leadership in overseeing the NGRP, and of course our hardworking technical staff for making sure every transition went as smooth as they did and for building the network from the ground up.

In other radio news, I’m pleased to confirm that Port Coquitlam Fire & Emergency Services, Langley City Fire Rescue Service and the Township of Langley Fire Department successfully joined the E-Comm radio system February 5, April 17 and May 23 respectively.

While radio agency transitions were a central focus for us this past quarter, we have also commenced development of a new strategic plan for E-Comm—one that is aligned with our vision of creating safer communities in British Columbia. Consultation with stakeholders across the public safety sector and research into what other public safety agencies around the world are doing has made up the bulk of the work so far. It’s fascinating to see the possibilities future technologies hold for our industry and what this might mean for public safety in our province. 

A special Board Task Force has been established to work directly with E-Comm’s executive team to develop our new plan. To date, the strategic planning process has included discussions with close to 200 stakeholders, including police and fire leadership, the provincial government, mental health organizations, Emergency Health Services and the technology sector. Strategic planning workshops have also been held with E-Comm management and staff, to gather insight from an internal perspective regarding our collective vision for the future. I look forward to keeping you updated on our strategic planning process in future issues of e-communiqué.